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Best Pilot

Pathway to becoming an airline pilot

Becoming an Airline an Airline Pilot

In an ideal world, the job you perform, is the job of your dreams, but the job of your dreams may frequently end up being...well, just a dream. The reality of becoming a pilot is not a case of "Grow up. Grow wings, Fly!", in fact, there are many hoops you must jump through, hurdles to overcome and of course, exams you will need to pass before you can actually introduce yourself as "John Smith, airline pilot and all-round hero!".
Who better to tell us about these stages and give us a real insight into what it takes to become an airline pilot than an actual pilot? Here's what he had to say:

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Cutting time, cutting costs, but never cutting corners. N-VFR briefings now in Best Pilot.

The average worker is said to use 10,000 sheets of paper every year. It is also estimated that we waste 2.5 days each year simply looking for things. Research also suggests that 95% of statistics are made up on the spot (though these ones haven't - trust us!). For flight instructors,10,000 sheets of paper is probably an incredibly conservative estimate and also a cause for concern. Wouldn't it be nice to have everything you need for flight training just a click away, not buried somewhere under piles of files and papers or somewhere on your hard drive? Wouldn't it also be nice to spend less of your time preparing for and going through pre-flight briefings and more time actually up in the air? If this were all possible while staying EASA compliant and not cutting corners, wouldn't that be making far more effective use of your time rather than thumbing through, filling out, then filing yet more paperwork?

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Mind-Boeing - GettiNG the MAX with our New CBT

When is the moment that awareness becomes true understanding? When is the moment that a shrug of confusion becomes a nod of real recognition? Many of us have leafed our way through files, documents and literature - some of them simple; many of them complex. Countless times we have put them to one side for another day, perhaps a better day when the morning coffee really kicks in and the Sun is shining. Other times we leave them, never to return. Why? Because sometimes we may read something, but we lack the connection with what we are reading.

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The role of the flight instructor in pilot training

Each pilot perfectly remembers his first flight and the instructor who introduced him to the world of aviation. With this instructor, we took our first steps in the sky and under his watchful eye we felt what it was like to “break away from the ground”.

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