News & Blog

Structural Limitations: Accumulated Loads

The aircraft structure is designed to withstand certain bending moments and vibrations. To prevent excessive forces exerted on a structure, manufacturers regulate the weight of the load that is allowed in a given section of a fuselage. The limitation can apply to the whole hold space or only some designated part of it.

In the Evionica’s Weight and Balance solution, the fuselage section can be arbitrarily defined together with a weight limitation that should be validated.

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Scattered Load Control

Cargo operations are usually challenging. In many cases, they require the loadmaster to travel with the aircraft to supervise the loading and offloading process. Is it...

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NCBiR Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

W ramach Konkursu Szybka ścieżka – Innowacje cyfrowe do programu NCBiR Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020,
Evionica Sp. z o.o. uzyskała dofinansowanie na realizację

prac badawczo-rozwojowych mających na celu stworzenie zasadniczo ulepszonego mobilnego rozwiązania aplikacyjnego służącego do automatycznego wyważania statków powietrznych.

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Effective pre-flight briefings with the Best Pilot app

Pre-flight briefing is often rushed or skipped entirely, yet it plays a critical role in flight lessons. The benefit these briefings can offer are overlooked and students do not always anticipate just how important they can be.

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