Best Pilot Platform

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ATO 1.x vs Best Pilot App comparison matrix

Take a look on features matrix to compare ATO 1.x software with Best Pilot App in 4 areas: resources management, usability, trainings management, compliance support

Best Pilot App - About

Read more public information about: What’s Inside Best Pilot? Benefits for Head of Training, Flight Instructors and Students. What our clients say.

Best Pilot App - Features

Take a look how Best Pilot App can support your business growth

Best Pilot App - Video Tutorials

Explore how to set up and optimise Best Pilot for enhanced ATO resources and trainings management

Best Pilot - Release Notes

Stay up-to-date on all the latest features of the Best Pilot App

Best Pilot - Development Roadmap

Take a look at what we are working on to improve aviation together

Best Pilot App & Dashboard features lists


Check out our training in theory part (CBT)

Aviation Training - About

If theory, exam practice, or familiarization training is what you need, you can find it all at the click of a button or swipe of a finger in our e-learning courses. If it’s practical training you are looking for with an easy way to keep track of your progress, check out your flight plans, and recap on theory, you can get it all with our Best Pilot app. Aviation training by Evionica - one place and one answer to your complex and comprehensive needs.

Aviation E-learning Catalogue

The theory is so practical with our interactive, engaging PPL, N-VFR, ATPL, MEP(L), A-UPRT, CRM, JOC, and other theoretical e-learning courses. Our type rating CBT courses bring the Diamond, Cessna, Tecnam, Airbus, and Boeing to life.